Strange problem with skype on RELENG_6 KERNEL since the end of may.

eculp at eculp at
Thu Jun 14 14:29:10 UTC 2007

A RELENG_6 kernel from May 21 works fine with skype but boot a newer  
kernel and skype seems to be blocking port 80.   Apache logs show  
nothing.  I can find no logs errors anywhere but a telnet to port 80  
answers with what would seem to be binary chars.  I close skype and  
all is back to normal.  I had originally thought that it had to do  
with the new xorg installation but it seems to be something in the  
kernel.  The configurations were the same, basically GENERIC with all  
the pf stuff.

I won't even ask if anyone else is seeing it.  I have a hard time  
believing it myself.



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