Dead lock

Roger Miranda - Digital Relay Inc. rmiranda at
Wed Jun 13 13:37:05 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 13 June 2007 08:30, Stefan Bethke wrote:
> Am 30.05.2007 um 16:32 schrieb Roger Miranda:
> > As of right now the machine goes into dead lock within a few hours
> > (only when
> > on the network).  I get no WITNESS errors (LORs), or kernel dumps, or
> > anything in the logs that look like an error or out of the ordinary.
> >
> > Is there anything else I could try? or am I looking at a hardware
> > failure?
> What specifically do you mean by "deadlock"?  Does Caps Lock or Num
> Lock still toggle the indicator?  Can you enter the debugger?  If so,
> there's a couple of things you could try from there, including saving
> a dump by entering "call doadump" or "panic".
Hi Stefan,

Caps Lock nor Num Lock Toggles.  We can not enter the debugger.  It's a 
completly locked up system.  At first I thought it was a Hardware or NIC 
issue.  But we have tried new Hardware and 3com nics instead of the em 
(intel) NICs.


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