upgrade 6.2 to xorg 7.2

Mark Linimon linimon at lonesome.com
Fri Jun 8 19:55:27 UTC 2007

On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 03:26:21PM -0400, Stephen Clark wrote:
> Thats another question - why aren't packages released simultaneously 
> with the ports update?

There's a circular dependency here.  The ports tree is updated by checkins,
which is then pushed to the package building system, which then does
complete package builds -- which can take a week or more, depending.

We don't have any way to tell the package system "here is what the ports
tree will be a week from now"; it's simply driven by cvs checkout, and
after that it's simply a matter a machine horsepower to crank them out.

We have a fair amount of i386 and amd64 horsepower (the latter is a recent
development); we have a grossly insufficient amount of sparc64 horsepower,
and so the packages are ~3 weeks behind.


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