HOW TO: Enabling root on a new server?
Michael Williams
gberz3 at
Mon Jul 16 01:35:59 UTC 2007
Well, that's just it. As with many large corporations, there appear
to be a great many degrees of separation between the folks we're
talking to and the folks we *need* to talk to. That aside, we've
been assured that it is absolutely our own dedicated server. (It'd
better be as we just upgraded from Virtual to Dedicated hardware).
I'm at wits end regarding this issue though. I'm tempted to simply
go back to hosted solutions instead of dealing with this. Anyway, if
you can think of *any* solution to this issue, it'd be much
appreciated. For the record, the following are my Plesk Control
Panel offerings for SSH login:
. . .I've tried each, to no avail. I'm absolutely 100% lost.
On Jul 13, 2007, at 8:00 AM, freebsd-stable-request at wrote:
> Message: 16
> Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 20:35:52 -0700
> From: Jeremy Chadwick <koitsu at>
> Subject: Re: HOW TO: Enabling root on a new server?
> To: Michael Williams <gberz3 at>
> Cc: freebsd-stable at
> Message-ID: <20070713033552.GA86758 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2007 at 11:06:07PM -0400, Michael Williams wrote:
>> I recently purchased a co-located server from Cedant and need to
>> enable the
>> root user. It's running FreeBSD 6.1. Currently there appears to
>> be no root
>> user enabled on the server. I can't even "su" to root. I've
>> tried using
>> "pw" to add my user to "wheel" but I receive a warning informing
>> me that I
>> must be root to even do such a thing. You can see my quandary.
>> Please
>> advise.
> FreeBSD, out-of-the-box, definitely includes user "root", and there is
> no password (unless during the installation you choose to set one).
> This sounds like a question you should be talking to Cedant/your
> provider about. What you purchased may not be a real co-located box
> that's personally dedicated to you -- it may be something shared with
> other people, and something that Cedant maintains. This is purely
> speculative on my part, because I know nothing about their services.
> But this really does sound like something specific to their servers.
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