What is a good choice of sata-ii raid controller for freebsd?

Jaime Bozza jbozza at qlinksmedia.com
Mon Feb 12 17:27:13 UTC 2007

> Jaime, can you expand a bit about what sort-of motherboard you
> installed the 1261ML in?  I've yet to find any mainstream motherboards
> which have a PCIe x8 slot.  Most have x1, some have x4, and many
> have x16.  I've seen one Supermicro board which has a x8 slot but
> is only wired for x4 (has 4 lanes).

I'm using a Supermicro X7DVL-E board, which has 1 PCI-e x8 and 1 PCI-e
x4 (in an x8 slot).

> Based on what I've read, you can install a x8 card in a x16 slot as
> long as the x16 slot is wired (physically) for 8 or more lanes.

You probably could, but I'm not sure that would work correctly in a
non-server board.  I think any server board that has a x16 slot would be
fine since more servers aren't really designed for using high-end

> My concern is that these x16 slots on motherboards are being primarily
> used for video cards, thus I ultimately have no idea what the
> manufacturers are testing them with.  Most manufacturer documentation
> I've seen says "for use with graphics applications".  I'll add that
> I've only seen x1 and x16 cards until now -- the Areca cards are the
> first card I've seen using x8.

Looking at Supermicro's site, it seems that pretty much all of the 5000V
and 5000P based motherboards have at least one x8 slot.  The 5000X based
boards have an x16 slot, but those are workstation boards which would
likely use that slot for a graphics card.

Look at Supermicro's site under Xeon 5300/5100/5000 motherboards.  You
should be able to find a board that would work just fine for you.

Jaime Bozza
Qlinks Media Group

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