6.2 SHOWSTOPPER - em completely unusable on 6.2

Oliver Brandmueller ob at e-Gitt.NET
Wed Sep 27 00:15:41 PDT 2006


On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 08:00:21AM +0200, Martin Nilsson wrote:
> I get tons of these:
> em0: watchdog timeout -- resetting
> em0: link state changed to DOWN
> em0: link state changed to UP
> mailbox# pciconf -lv
> em0 at pci13:0:0:  class=0x020000 card=0x108c15d9 chip=0x108c8086 rev=0x03 
> hdr=0x00
>     vendor   = 'Intel Corporation'
>     device   = 'PRO/1000 PM'
>     class    = network
>     subclass = ethernet
> em1 at pci14:0:0:  class=0x020000 card=0x109a15d9 chip=0x109a8086 rev=0x00 
> hdr=0x00
>     vendor   = 'Intel Corporation'
>     class    = network
>     subclass = ethernet
> I have only seen them on em0. Yesterday I tried sysutils/cpuburn on 
> similar boxes that are netbooted with NFS mounted drives and everytime I 
> loaded the two CPU cores the network went down.

I see the same.

Very much on this one, where I workaround the problem by using polling,
it's a UP machine.

FreeBSD nessie 6.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE #3: Fri Sep 15 09:48:36 CEST 2006     root at nessie:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/NESSIE  i386

em0 at pci2:1:0:   class=0x020000 card=0x10198086 chip=0x10198086 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
    vendor   = 'Intel Corporation'
    device   = '82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller (LOM)'
    class    = network
    subclass = ethernet

irq18: em0 uhci2                    3319          0

Another machine, also UP, but with two interfaces. The problem is not as 
apparent as on the first machine, but it's there. This machine is not as 
loaded usually (CPU wise) as the first machine. The problem is ONLY on 

FreeBSD hudson 6.2-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-PRERELEASE #48: Thu Sep 14 10:19:46 CEST 2006     root at hudson:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/NFS-32-FBSD6  i386

em0 at pci1:1:0:   class=0x020000 card=0x10758086 chip=0x10758086 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
    vendor   = 'Intel Corporation'
    device   = '82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller'
    class    = network
    subclass = ethernet

em1 at pci3:2:0:   class=0x020000 card=0x10768086 chip=0x10768086 rev=0x00 hdr=0x00
    vendor   = 'Intel Corporation'
    device   = '82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller'
    class    = network
    subclass = ethernet

irq17: em1 ichsmb0             950121879        855
irq18: em0                      71437344         64

The problem appeared after the em updates during the last weeks in the
kernel and has not been observed before this. em is always loaded as a 
module in my kernels. The problem seems to occur more often if the 
machine's CPU is busy.

I have several SMP machines with the following em interfaces, which 
DON'T show the problem, but they also have different chipset on the em 
interface. Most of the kernels were built between Sep 7 and Sep 19.

3 times this:
em0 at pci4:5:0:   class=0x020000 card=0x34248086 chip=0x10108086 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
em1 at pci4:5:1:   class=0x020000 card=0x34248086 chip=0x10108086 rev=0x01 hdr=0x00
irq23: em0                     970303432        750

3 times this:
em0 at pci4:5:0:   class=0x020000 card=0x34258086 chip=0x100e8086 rev=0x02 hdr=0x00
irq23: em0                     292477376        435

So I can observe at least 3 interesting differences:

- the interface showing the problems shares the interrupt
- for me it happens on UP machines only
- the chips are different

What I can't do: moving the interfaces between machines, these are 
                 onboard interfaces.

What I could do: I could try to unload the USB driver or the ichsmb 
driver on the machiens, where the interrupts are shared. Anyway, the USB 
is not used currently (I have it enabled to be prepared to hook up a USB 
Mass Storage device, which never happend since the problem occured). The 
ichsmb also is usually not queried.

Any suggestions on how I could help?

- Olli

| Oliver Brandmueller | Offenbacher Str. 1  | Germany       D-14197 Berlin |
| Fon +49-172-3130856 | Fax +49-172-3145027 | WWW:   http://the.addict.de/ |
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