Fwd: panic: vfs_getopt: caller passed 'opts' as NULL

Ulrich Spoerlein uspoerlein at gmail.com
Tue Oct 31 07:49:17 UTC 2006

On 10/30/06, Kris Kennaway <kris at obsecurity.org> wrote:
> > panic: vfs_getopt: caller passed 'opts' as NULL
> This can happen if you are using filesystem modules but your kernel is
> built with nonstandard options (DEBUG_*_LOCKS is a culprit, I think).

Interesting, but no filesystem modules were involved. Infact, even
geom_mirror and geom_label were statically built into the kernel.

But the point is mood anyway, since I could not reproduce the problem.
I tried again after rebooting the machine and everything went just
fine ...

I have to use the nullfs mounts on another machine shortly, let's see
what happens there.


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