ggated not working on 6.2-PRERELEASE

Kazuaki ODA kaakun at
Mon Oct 23 02:47:13 UTC 2006


ggated is not working on 6.2-PRERELEASE.  For example, run the following

# dd if=/dev/zero of=md.img bs=1k count=1k
# mdconfig -a -t vnode -f md.img -u 0
# echo " RW /dev/md0" > /etc/gg.exports
# ggated
# ggatec create /dev/md0

As the result, ggated outputs the following messages repeatedly to syslog:

ggated: Error while receiving hdr packet: Resource temporarily unavailable.
ggated: Exiting.

I tried to find what broke ggated, and finally found that it works fine
when I backout sys/kern/uipc_socket2.c rev.

I don't know why the changes break ggated, but I hope that ggated will
work on 6.2-RELEASE.

Kazuaki ODA

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