Runaway kernel? Or an attack?

Eric Masson e-masson at
Thu Oct 19 14:50:54 UTC 2006

Jeremy Chadwick <freebsd at> writes:


> I recommend removing the DI-604 from the topology and see if the
> problem continues.  Gut feeling (based on past experience with
> D-Link's residential products) is the problem will disappear.
> You'll have to trust me on this -- no matter how reliable you think
> the DI-series units are ("It works fine for me!"), they aren't.
> There are major IP stack implementation issues with these units
> (same with the DI-614+).

These units can be made reliable when flashed with an alternative
firmware like OpenWRT ( Take a look at the
following pages :

I have here a WRT54GS 1.1 running OpenWRT whiterussian rc5, a DLink
DSL504T and a Netgear WGT634U waiting for Kamikaze builds.

I'd love to see a project similar to OpenWRT based on a BSD, but so far,
and it seems that FreeBSD mips port effort has stalled :

Éric Masson

 Jh 28 ans, informaticien, cherche femme sur Chartres.
 -+- PGeorges in GNU - Elle est où la Charte du groupe ? -+-

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