PXE boot images: 5.5 i386/amd64

Paul Civati paul at xciv.org
Thu May 25 16:56:13 PDT 2006

In article <20919.1148565590 at xciv.org>,
	paul at xciv.org (Paul Civati) writes:

> For those of you wishing to PXE boot 6.1 RELEASE I have made some boot
> images that work easily with pxelinux (syslinux) PXE set-up.
> Download and a quick pxelinux set-up howto:
>   http://blog.rackred.com/2006/04/21/pxe-boot-freebsd-howto/

Seeing as 5.5 has just appeared I've made some 5.5 i386/amd64 images
available too:



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