ipw(4) breaking under load

Ulrich Spoerlein uspoerlein at gmail.com
Sat May 20 03:20:28 PDT 2006

Patrick Lamaizière wrote:
> > is it just me, or is no one actually using ipw(4) under 6.1? Anyway, I
> > set up a FreeBSD based AP using an ural(4) device. I'm connecting to it
> > via laptop and ipw(4). This works fine, as long as you don't push it.
> >
> > Transferring some files via NFS gives me a lousy 100kB/s transfer rate,
> > which quickly stalls and the connection wedges. Syslog reports:
> > May 19 17:29:48 roadrunner kernel: ipw0: fatal error
> I've got this error with the iwi driver too (Intel 2200 BG). But not often 
> (one or two times a week). It seems not related to the network load for me.

Normal network traffic works just fine for me. Several SSH session, http
traffic, pings etc.

Only when pushing it, it quickly stalls.

Ulrich Spoerlein
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