6.1-RELEASE, em0 high interrupt rate and nfsd eats lots of cpu

Rong-en Fan grafan at gmail.com
Mon May 15 15:15:51 PDT 2006

On 5/15/06, Dmitriy Kirhlarov <dkirhlarov at oilspace.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 02:15:08PM -0400, Rong-en Fan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > After upgrading from 5.5-PRERELEASE to 6.1-RELEASE on one
> > nfs server today, I noticed that the load is very high, ranging from 4.x
> > to 30.x, depends how many nfsd I run. From mrtg traffic graph, I did
> > not notice there is high traffic. This box is 2 physical Xeon CPU w/
> I have same situation today on RC2.
> One client installing world from nfs share.
> nfsd eat 91% CPU, load average 6-8. Very small disk activitie.
> I don't look interrupt rate.
> I, also, have em0.


It looks to me that after reboot the machine, do a du frm a client,
during du running, the nfsd eats lots of cpu. However, after du
exits, the nfsd still eats lots of cpu. Don't know what happened,
I will give latest RELENG_6 a shot. If that does not work, I probably
goes back to 6.0-R or even 5.5-PR :(

By the way, I have another nfs server (mainly for backup), running
6.1-RELEASE, does not have this behavior.

When do you start to notice this problem? Since 6.1-RC or?

Rong-En Fan

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