quota deadlock on 6.1-RC1

Konstantin Belousov kostikbel at gmail.com
Sun May 7 15:40:38 UTC 2006

On Sun, May 07, 2006 at 07:26:55PM +0400, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:
> On Sun, 7 May 2006, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:
> DM> KK> > Also, as an FYI, several quota-related snapshot fixes went into CVS in the 
> DM> KK> > last 24-48 hours.  Once they've settled for a few weeks, and assuming they 
> DM> KK> > don't have complex dependencies, they will get merged to RELENG_6. 
> DM> KK> > Presumably if there is sufficient demand, and they adequately address the 
> DM> KK> > reports of deadlocks with quotas+snapshots, they could be merged to 
> DM> KK> > RELENG_6_1 as an errata update.
> DM> KK> 
> DM> KK> The fixes seem to indeed correct all the deadlocks I was seeing.  I
> DM> KK> don't have time to produce a 6.x patch now though, but it should be a
> DM> KK> simple matter for someone else to do.
> DM> 
> DM> FWIW, for me it is much stabler too, at least in normal load patterns.  I'll 
> DM> spend a bit of time to stress-test this on our Samba quota-enabled server 
> DM> during our long weekend (today-to-Tuesday) to catch possible rare races.
> Alas, it is locked again:
> root at office:~# ps axlww | grep snap
>     0    32     0   0  -4  0     0     8 snaplk DL    ??    0:04.55 [bufdaemon]
>     0    35     0   0  -4  0     0     8 snaplk DL    ??    0:01.11 [softdepflush]
>     0 45080 45061   0  -4  0  5980  2768 snaplk D     ??    0:00.09 /usr/local/sbin/smbd -D
>     0 46040 46039   0  -4  0  4492  3616 snaplk D+    p1    0:15.04 rsync -av /ar/winroot/distrib/ /st/winroot/tmp/distrib-temp/
>  1002 46116   726   0  -4  0  1612  1144 snaplk D+    p3    0:00.00 ls -GF -la /st/.snap/
> Unfortunately, this was with non-debug kernel. I'm trying to reproduce the lock 
> with debug kernel right now, but still with no luck - sometimes machine is 
> almost hangs but up to now revives 4 or 5 times.
So, you are running CURRENT ? Or did you manually backported changes
from CURRENT to 6-STABLE ? Note that none of the relevant commits
where MFCed still.
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