6.1-stable hangs and LORs

Max Laier max at love2party.net
Sun Jun 11 22:25:03 UTC 2006

On Sunday 11 June 2006 23:46, Brad Waite wrote:
> Kris Kennaway wrote:
> > We need to know the LOR before anyone can tell what is going wrong ;-)
> Ask and you will receive:
> lock order reversal:
>   1st 0xc077a440 pf task mtx (pf task mtx) @
> /usr/src/sys/contrib/pf/net/pf.c:6331
>   2nd 0xc07d3fac tcp (tcp) @ /usr/src/sys/contrib/pf/net/pf.c:2719
> KDB: stack backtrace:
> witness_checkorder(c07d3fac,9,c06fd2f7,a9f) at witness_checkorder+0x55c
> _mtx_lock_flags(c07d3fac,0,c06fd2f7,a9f,c07d3fac) at _mtx_lock_flags+0x40
> pf_socket_lookup(e35ccacc,e35ccad0,1,e35ccb8c,0) at pf_socket_lookup+0x103
> pf_test_tcp(e35ccb3c,e35ccb34,1,c4d3e400,c5027c00,14,c5032810,e35ccb8c,e35c
>cb40,e35ccb44,0,0) at pf_test_tcp+0x10d6
> pf_test(1,c4ba3c00,e35ccc2c,0,0) at pf_test+0xb77
> pf_check_in(0,e35ccc2c,c4ba3c00,1,0) at pf_check_in+0x37
> pfil_run_hooks(c07d3b60,e35ccccc,c4ba3c00,1,0) at pfil_run_hooks+0xee
> ip_input(c5027c00,18,c07d3138,e35cccec,c05dcd63) at ip_input+0x1b2
> netisr_processqueue(c4b24500,c4b28000,0,e35ccd0c,c055877b) at
> netisr_processqueue+0xf
> swi_net(0,c4b28038,c4ad6d80,c0558590,c4ad520c) at swi_net+0x8b
> ithread_loop(c4ab68d0,e35ccd38,c4ab68d0,c0558590,0) at ithread_loop+0x1eb
> fork_exit(c0558590,c4ab68d0,e35ccd38) at fork_exit+0x7d
> fork_trampoline() at fork_trampoline+0x8
> --- trap 0x1, eip = 0, esp = 0xe35ccd6c, ebp = 0 ---

From pf.conf(5):
     Due to a lock order reversal (LOR) with the socket layer, the use of the
     group and user filter parameter in conjuction with a Giant-free netstack
     can result in a deadlock.  If you have to use group or user you must set
     debug.mpsafenet to ``0'' from the loader(8), for the moment.  This work-
     around will still produce the LOR, but Giant will protect from the dead-

/"\  Best regards,                      | mlaier at freebsd.org
\ /  Max Laier                          | ICQ #67774661
 X   http://pf4freebsd.love2party.net/  | mlaier at EFnet
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