How to setup polling on 'bge' interface

Marcelo Gardini do Amaral marcelo at
Mon Jul 24 19:23:43 UTC 2006

> A few points:
> - Polling and SMP are compatible in 6.1.  In fact, they were compatible
>   in earlier versions too; basically it's just the compile-time check
>   that had to be "fixed."
> - You may have to adjust some parameters in the kern.polling sysctl
>   tree - specifically, kern.polling.burst_max, kern.polling.each_burst
>   and kern.polling.user_frac might need tweaking.
> - The polling feedback algorithm does not work very well if your
>   workload is focused largely on per-packet tasks (such as routing or
>   bridging).  You'll find that there is still idle CPU time at the
>   point you start dropping packets.  I have some work in progress to
>   address this, but it's not yet committed.
> - Polling's major advantage is the avoidance of livelock on UP systems,
>   and not improved performance.
> What level of traffic are you putting through this box?  Is it routing/
> bridging, or an endpoint like a web server?

It's an endpoint with no more than 1k pkts/s in normal condition. 
Almost all traffic is UDP. I really intend to avoid locking
my system in a high load situation.


Marcelo Gardini

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