iwi(4) in RELENG_6

Vlad GALU vladgalu at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 18:12:30 UTC 2006

On 7/12/06, Bartosz Fabianowski <freebsd at chillt.de> wrote:
> Since the iwi driver has been MFC'd, I cannot build a kernel any more. I
> csupped my src/sys to RELENG_6 a couple of hours ago. Everything
> compiles fine, but when linking the kernel, make barfs:
> linking kernel
> if_iwi.o(.text+0x29c4): In function `iwi_getfw':
> : undefined reference to `firmware_get'
> if_iwi.o(.text+0x29d3): In function `iwi_getfw':
> : undefined reference to `firmware_get'
> if_iwi.o(.text+0x2a1d): In function `iwi_put_fw':
> : undefined reference to `firmware_put'
> if_iwi.o(.text+0x49a5): In function `iwi_init_locked':
> : undefined reference to `firmware_get'
> I have "device iwi" in my kernel configuration. Should I remove it and
> use a module instead? Or is this supposed to work?

  You need to add "device firmware" to your kernel configuration file
as well. This driver uses the new firmware(9) framework.

> - Bartosz

If it's there, and you can see it, it's real.
If it's not there, and you can see it, it's virtual.
If it's there, and you can't see it, it's transparent.
If it's not there, and you can't see it, you erased it.

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