16M RAM enough for FreeBSD 6.1?

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at optushome.com.au
Sun Aug 27 07:13:35 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-Aug-27 03:46:52 +0200, Torfinn Ingolfsen wrote:
>I have an old laptop, a Compaq Armada 1580DMT, with 16M RAM, 2GB hd,
>However, when I try the 6.1-release CD (CD1), it boots as far as
>loading the kernel, botting the kernel, and then reboots again??

The CD-ROMs create a RAMdisk and need a minimum of 24MB last I checked.
Once you have FreeBSD installed, it will limp along in 16MB (though
not very happily).  I strongly suggest you find a SODIMM to expand it.

Peter Jeremy
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