shutting off the internal Sendmail Daemom

Matt Smith ratman6 at
Thu Apr 20 23:31:57 UTC 2006

I need to close port 25 so another SMTP server can run but how do I kill the
internal Sendmail.  Setting sendmail_enable to no in rc.conf does not work


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-freebsd-stable at
[mailto:owner-freebsd-stable at] On Behalf Of
freebsd-stable-request at
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:01 AM
To: freebsd-stable at
Subject: freebsd-stable Digest, Vol 154, Issue 5

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: em (+pf+vlan+bridge+netgraph) stop sending packets (?)
      (Alexey Karagodov)
   2. Re: 6.1RC system nearly freezing (Alexey Karagodov)
   3. RE: em (+pf+vlan+bridge+netgraph) stop sending packets (?)
      (Yuriy Tsibizov)
   4. Too old GDB in 6.0 (V?clav Haisman)
   5. Re: ath compile error on releng_5 (JoaoBR)
   6. Re: em (+pf+vlan+bridge+netgraph) stop sending packets (?)
      (Andrew Thompson)
   7. DOH! ata_alloc_request failed! (Mars G. Miro)
   8. RE: em (+pf+vlan+bridge+netgraph) stop sending packets (?)
      (Yuriy Tsibizov)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 12:36:38 +0400
From: "Alexey Karagodov" <karagodov at>
Subject: Re: em (+pf+vlan+bridge+netgraph) stop sending packets (?)
To: "Yuriy Tsibizov" <Yuriy.Tsibizov at>
Cc: glebius at, freebsd-stable at
	<c7aff4ef0604200136i455304b3s8f77d84303f5fcc8 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=KOI8-R

try enabling pormisc mode on vlans

19.04.06, Yuriy Tsibizov <Yuriy.Tsibizov at> ÎÁÐÉÓÁÌ(Á):
> I run a 6.1-RC (as of Apr, 14th) and after a day nothing can be sent from
> em interface.
> It is a filtering+accounting bridge-on-a-stick, with em interface
> connected to 3Com Switch 4200 100Mbit (not Gbit) port with 4 tagged vlans
> it:
> # This file now contains just the overrides from /etc/defaults/rc.conf.
> # Please make all changes to this file, not to /etc/defaults/rc.conf.
> hostname=""
> defaultrouter="10.X.X.X"
> ifconfig_sis0="10.X.X.X/24"
> ifconfig_em0="up"
> cloned_interfaces="vlan0 vlan1 vlan2 vlan3 bridge0 bridge1"
> ifconfig_vlan0="84.X.X.X/28 vlan 21 vlandev em0 up"
> ifconfig_vlan1="vlan 22 vlandev em0 up"
> ifconfig_bridge0="addm vlan0 addm vlan1 up"
> ifconfig_vlan2="217.X.X.X/29 vlan 31 vlandev em0 up"
> ifconfig_vlan3="vlan 32 vlandev em0 up"
> ifconfig_bridge1="addm vlan2 addm vlan3 up"
> syslogd_flags="-ss"
> sshd_enable="YES"
> ipsec_enable="YES"
> pf_enable="YES"
> pf_rules="/etc/pf.freeroute"
> pflog_enable="YES"
> and kernel is GENERIC with unused hardware removed and
> ####
> options         DEVICE_POLLING
> options         IPSEC
> options         IPSEC_ESP
> options         IPSEC_FILTERGIF
> device          vlan
> device          pf
> device          pflog
> device          pfsync
> device          if_bridge
> # altq(9). Enable the base part of the hooks with the ALTQ option.
> # also have the ALTQ_NOPCC option.
> options         ALTQ
> options         ALTQ_CBQ        # Class Bases Queueing
> options         ALTQ_RED        # Random Early Detection
> options         ALTQ_RIO        # RED In/Out
> options         ALTQ_HFSC       # Hierarchical Packet Scheduler
> options         ALTQ_CDNR       # Traffic conditioner
> options         ALTQ_PRIQ       # Priority Queueing
> options         ALTQ_NOPCC      # Required for SMP build
> #options        ALTQ_DEBUG
> added.
> em0 is
> em0 at pci0:10:0:  class=0x020000 card=0x002e8086 chip=0x100e8086 rev=0x02
> hdr=0x00
>    vendor   = 'Intel Corporation'
>    device   = '82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller'
>    class    = network
>    subclass = ethernet
> em0: <Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection Version - 3.2.18> port
> 0xb400-0xb43f mem 0xd7ea0000-0xd7ebffff,0xd7e80000-0xd7e9ffff irq 18 at
> device 10.0 on pci0
> em0: Ethernet address: 00:07:e9:09:c2:3d
> Polling was not used (I'll try to work with polling enabled on em0).
> ALTQ is not configured, pf has all block rules logged and I can't see
> anything relevant logged to pflog.
> This machine also use netgraph netflow for traffic accounting on vlan
> interfaces, but shutting down all netgraph nodes does not help.
> Turning vlans, bridge and em down and up does not help too.
> Traffic is received (I can see pairs of OSPF HELO messages from ISP router
> logged on pflog0 exactly every 10 seconds), but it looks like nothing can
> sent.
> Yuriy Tsibizov,
> _______________________________________________
> freebsd-stable at mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-stable-unsubscribe at"


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 12:51:18 +0400
From: "Alexey Karagodov" <karagodov at>
Subject: Re: 6.1RC system nearly freezing
To: "Henri Hennebert" <hlh at>
Cc: stable at
	<c7aff4ef0604200151mb258b94p1cf311c86a68f072 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

it happend to me too. power line was down and server was restarted 3 times
while FSCK after early unplanned shutdown.
i have no time to fix it and fastest way for me was: boot from another
source, backup, rebuild array (RAID5 on 3ware 9500S), and reinstall
everything :(

2006/4/20, Henri Hennebert <hlh at>:
> Hello,
> I upgrade a web, squid, mail server (under SMP with 2 pentium III) to
> 6.1-RC
> (Apr 9 2006) and encounter 2 `freezing'.
> The system is still responding to http requests but I can't login on
> the console
> or through ssh --  no shell prompt. No more mail delivery.
> I break to KDB and found more then 1000 sendmail processes waiting for
> devfs...
> call boot(0) can't complete the shutdown process.
> I join the KDB informations. Let me know if more informations are needed.
> Thanks for your time
> Henri
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.
> _______________________________________________
> freebsd-stable at mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to "freebsd-stable-unsubscribe at"


Message: 3
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 13:05:59 +0400
From: "Yuriy Tsibizov" <Yuriy.Tsibizov at>
Subject: RE: em (+pf+vlan+bridge+netgraph) stop sending packets (?)
To: "Alexey Karagodov" <karagodov at>
Cc: freebsd-stable at
Message-ID: <D6B2C454E5A77B4D8DA0B863D3D6D492071113 at demon.hhp.local>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="koi8-r"

>> 19.04.06, Yuriy Tsibizov <Yuriy.Tsibizov at> ÎÁÐÉÓÁÌ(Á): 
>> I run a 6.1-RC (as of Apr, 14th) and after a day nothing can be sent from
em interface.

>> It is a filtering+accounting bridge-on-a-stick, with em interface
connected to 3Com 
>> Switch 4200 100Mbit (not Gbit) port with 4 tagged vlans on it: 

>> Polling was not used (I'll try to work with polling enabled on em0).
Polling doesn't help too

>> This machine also use netgraph netflow for traffic accounting on vlan
>> but shutting down all netgraph nodes does not help. 

>> Turning vlans, bridge and em down and up does not help too.

>> Traffic is received (I can see pairs of OSPF HELO messages from ISP
router logged 
>> on pflog0 exactly every 10 seconds), but it looks like nothing can be

> try enabling pormisc mode on vlans 
It was enabled (it is enabled by default when you add interface to bridge, I
It also does not explain why it work for almost a day and then stops. On
I can see zero RX counters on this port (and non-zero TX).



Message: 4
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 11:13:06 +0200
From: V?clav Haisman <V.Haisman at>
Subject: Too old GDB in 6.0
To: stable at
Message-ID: <444750A2.3070502 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I have been having problems with base GDB. I have posted two PRs about
it but so far I haven't gotten any response.

I have looked at devel/gdb6 port but its structure seems odd enough that
I don't want to touch it.

Vaclav Haisman

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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 06:40:29 -0300
From: JoaoBR <joao at>
Subject: Re: ath compile error on releng_5
To: freebsd-stable at
Cc: freebsd-amd64 at
Message-ID: <200604200640.30223.joao at>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="iso-8859-1"

On Wednesday 19 April 2006 23:37, Sam Leffler wrote:
> JoaoBR wrote:
> > seems the ath_hal source on releng_5 is i386 and does not compile as
> > module neither as kernel configuration on amd64
> >
> > ath compiles as module but can not be loaded (exec error)
> >
> > I suppose this is a known issue or some needs details?
> >
> > ld  -d -warn-common -r -d -o ath_hal.ko hal.o ah_osdep.o
> > ld: Relocatable linking with relocations from format elf32-i386-freebsd
> > (hal.o) to format elf64-x86-64 (ath_hal.ko) is not supported
> > *** Error code 1
> >
> > Stop in /usr/src/sys/modules/ath_hal.
> releng5 only has i386 support I believe.  Trying to use a 32-bit build
> in a 64-bit kernel will not work.  I'm not sure what you're trying to do
> but wireless support in releng5 is unlikely to be very satisfying;
> switch to releng6.

I am just trying to use an atheros card with regular releng_5 sources

too bad then that ath is not usable on 5.5 amd


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Message: 6
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 22:54:52 +1200
From: Andrew Thompson <thompsa at>
Subject: Re: em (+pf+vlan+bridge+netgraph) stop sending packets (?)
To: Yuriy Tsibizov <Yuriy.Tsibizov at>
Cc: glebius at, freebsd-stable at
Message-ID: <20060420105452.GA80164 at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 04:15:10PM +0400, Yuriy Tsibizov wrote:
> I run a 6.1-RC (as of Apr, 14th) and after a day nothing can be sent from
em interface.
> It is a filtering+accounting bridge-on-a-stick, with em interface
> connected to 3Com Switch 4200 100Mbit (not Gbit) port with 4 tagged
> vlans on it:
> Polling was not used (I'll try to work with polling enabled on em0).
> ALTQ is not configured, pf has all block rules logged and I can't see
anything relevant logged to pflog.
> Traffic is received (I can see pairs of OSPF HELO messages from ISP
> router logged on pflog0 exactly every 10 seconds), but it looks like
> nothing can be sent.

A bridge on a stick only works under certian conditions, mainly support
by the switch its connected to. Its obviously working for you for a
period of time so thats probably ok.

Make sure that you dont use scrubbing with pf as the bridge doesn't
handle the fragment reassembly at the moment.

Can you also try a few things when it stops
 - flush the bridge table using ifconfig
 - use tcpdump on the bridge interface to see if its forwarding packets



Message: 7
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 19:02:40 +0800
From: "Mars G. Miro" <marsgmiro at>
Subject: DOH! ata_alloc_request failed!
To: freebsd-stable at, freebsd-amd64 at,
	sos at
	<28edec3c0604200402p2fe569b1j1f38668c1539464c at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Greetz Søren, List!

  I had about 6 directories  (~1G/dir) I had to remove (chflags -R
noschg && rm -rf), then I encountered these:

Apr 20 17:31:32 marsz kernel: DOH! ata_alloc_request failed!
Apr 20 17:31:32 marsz kernel: FAILURE - out of memory in
Apr 20 17:31:32 marsz kernel:
g_vfs_done():ar0s1f[WRITE(offset=23179941888, length=2048)]error = 5
Apr 20 17:31:39 marsz kernel: initiate_write_filepage: already started
Apr 20 18:26:34 marsz kernel: FAILURE - out of memory in
Apr 20 18:26:35 marsz kernel:
g_vfs_done():ar0s1f[WRITE(offset=39686225920, length=16384)]error = 5
Apr 20 18:27:50 marsz kernel: DOH! ata_alloc_request failed!
Apr 20 18:27:50 marsz kernel: FAILURE - out of memory in
Apr 20 18:27:50 marsz last message repeated 3 times
Apr 20 18:27:50 marsz kernel: DOH! ata_alloc_request failed!
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: FAILURE - out of memory in
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz last message repeated 24 times
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: FAILURE - out of memory in
ag_vfs_done():ar0s1f[WRITE(offset=23760136192, length=2048)]error = 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel:
g_vfs_done():ar0s1f[WRITE(offset=23760271360, length=2048)]error = 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel:
g_vfs_done():ar0s1f[WRITE(offset=23761092608, length=6144)]error = 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel:
g_vfs_done():ar0s1f[WRITE(offset=22645618688, length=2048)]error = 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel:
g_vfs_done():ar0s1f[WRITE(offset=23761467392, length=2048)]error = 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel:
g_vfs_done():ar0s1f[WRITE(offset=23761500160, length=2048)]error = 5


Later on:

Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel:
g_vfs_done():ar0s1f[WRITE(offset=23896389632, length=2048)]error = 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: swap_pager: I/O error - pageout failed;
blkno 111102,size 4096, error 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: swap_pager: I/O error - pageout failed;
blkno 111103,size 4096, error 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: swap_pager: I/O error - pageout failed;
blkno 111104,size 4096, error 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: swap_pager: I/O error - pageout failed;
blkno 111106,size 4096, error 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: FAILURE - out of memory in
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz last message repeated 3 times
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: swap_pager: I/O error - pageout failed;
blkno 111108,size 4096, error 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: swap_pager: I/O error - pageout failed;
blkno 111109,size 4096, error 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: swap_pager: I/O error - pageout failed;
blkno 111110,size 4096, error 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: swap_pager: I/O error - pageout failed;
blkno 111111,size 4096, error 5
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz kernel: FAILURE - out of memory in
Apr 20 18:27:53 marsz last message repeated 3 times

Then there was a directory that wasn't deleted completely so I had to
chflags and rm -rf it.

A few people also experienced it in 6.0-RC1 last Nov:

>From that thread, somebody suggested something and mine gives:
root at marsz:/home/jails# sysctl -a | grep ^ata
ata_composit:    376,        0,      0,   1300,  1544911
ata_request:     336,        0,      0,   2376,  4969864

My system is RELENG_6 as of Apr 04 on amd64:
Apr  4 13:23:43 PHT 2006    
root at XXXXXXXXXX:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MARSZ  amd64

It is configured in ATA-RAID1 using a built-in:
atapci0: <Promise PDC20378 SATA150 controller> port
0xec00-0xec3f,0xdc00-0xdc0f,0xcc00-0xcc7f mem
0xfdc00000-0xfdc00fff,0xfdb00000-0xfdb1ffff irq 18 a
t device 8.0 on pci0

Though I have not crashed or anything, just wondering if it means
anything at all. I do recall back in 5.4X that I crashed doing similar
things and I had to manual-fsck in single user mode (bgfsck wouldnt
work). This gives 6.X a ++ ;-)

Thanks and FYI ;-)



Message: 8
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 15:27:54 +0400
From: "Yuriy Tsibizov" <Yuriy.Tsibizov at>
Subject: RE: em (+pf+vlan+bridge+netgraph) stop sending packets (?)
To: "Andrew Thompson" <thompsa at>
Cc: freebsd-stable at
Message-ID: <D6B2C454E5A77B4D8DA0B863D3D6D492071114 at demon.hhp.local>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="koi8-r"

> On Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 04:15:10PM +0400, Yuriy Tsibizov wrote:
> > I run a 6.1-RC (as of Apr, 14th) and after a day nothing 
> can be sent from em interface.
> > 
> > It is a filtering+accounting bridge-on-a-stick, with em interface
> > connected to 3Com Switch 4200 100Mbit (not Gbit) port with 4 tagged
> > vlans on it:
> > 
> > Polling was not used (I'll try to work with polling enabled on em0).
> > 
> > ALTQ is not configured, pf has all block rules logged and I 
> can't see anything relevant logged to pflog.
> > 
> > Traffic is received (I can see pairs of OSPF HELO messages from ISP
> > router logged on pflog0 exactly every 10 seconds), but it looks like
> > nothing can be sent.
> A bridge on a stick only works under certian conditions, 
> mainly support
> by the switch its connected to. Its obviously working for you for a
> period of time so thats probably ok.
> Make sure that you dont use scrubbing with pf as the bridge doesn't
> handle the fragment reassembly at the moment.
I had it, and will try to work without it. 

Thank you for your help,



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End of freebsd-stable Digest, Vol 154, Issue 5

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