martinkov at pobox.sk
Sun Apr 9 19:40:03 UTC 2006
Craig Boston wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 04:53:46AM -0700, Chris wrote:
>>No kidding? These are the same brands I'm using. The ATI's are PCI
>>(onboard ATI - TYAN SMP motherboards) and the nVidia's are AGP. They're
>>"higher end" models as well. Must be the way I build the kernel
>>regarding boot/ console. Oh well, no complaints. Just interesting to
> If you don't have VESA support in your kernel (it's not by default), try
> adding
> vesa_load="YES"
> to your loader.conf and see if that helps with higher-resolution splash
> images.
> Craig
yes, with vesa you can use boot splashes up to 1024x768, but still in
256 colours only.
btw, some time ago i created a new port that supports multiple
bootsplash images and changes them randomly on each boot. it's still not
been taken care of, though.
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