sio+acpi woes on HP DL145 G2

Mars G. Miro marsgmiro at
Sun Apr 9 07:12:01 UTC 2006

On 4/8/06, Dmitry Morozovsky <marck at> wrote:
> On Fri, 7 Apr 2006, Mars G. Miro wrote:
> MGM> Greetz!
> MGM>
> MGM>  I have an HP DL145 that I'm having problems with when connecting via
> MGM> serial console. I think it's acpi-related. This is on 6.1-BETA4/amd64
> MGM> (5.X is the same also)
> [snip]
> It seems it's DL145 G2. We use three of them and did not see your problem.

Yes it's a G2. Sorry i ommitted that information the first time.

> However, *sometimes* serial consoles work only for input (I can login and
> check new processes presence on ttyd0, but can not see any messages. Trouble
> is
> that this situation is not easy reproducible, and stty state seems to be the
> same.

Does the box seem to hang when you do this? e.g., when you do not see
any messages.

> What is you stop getty on ttyd0 and try to run two tip's?

I'm not sure I get you, sorry ;-( Can you elaborate further?


> Sincerely,
> D.Marck                                     [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- marck at ***
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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