[HACKERS] semaphore usage "port based"?

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at optushome.com.au
Tue Apr 4 09:31:04 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-Apr-03 14:55:10 -0300, Marc G. Fournier wrote:
>That is all I'm advocatin / asking for ... some way of reverting kill(PID, 
>0) back to the old, FreeBSD 4.x behaviour, where this works beautifully :( 
>At least until someone does get around to 'virtualization of SysV IPC' :(

There's the old standby: You have the source code.

You should be able to get things to work by expanding prison_check()
into cr_cansignal() and changing the error return from ESRCH to EPERM.
Having not tried this, I can't comment on possible adverse side-effects.

Peter Jeremy

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