performance issues with 6.0-STABLE

Juraj Lutter wilbury at
Thu Nov 24 09:38:58 GMT 2005


(sorry for crossposting)

recently I've updated to 6.0-STABLE and started noticing strange performance
issues with the system. The system itselfs acts as an web server running
apache2 with php4 compiled from ports.

However, there is, in my opinion, strange behaviour of this machine. Under
normal operation, load average is between 0.30 and 0.60 but suddenly, from
time to time (every 15 to 20 minutes), the load increases dramatically to 15
or more with no visible causes. Anyone from you have encountered behaviour
like this also? I suspect the ACPI or interrupt routing to be root cause of
this, as the vmstat -i shows:

# vmstat -i
interrupt                          total       rate
irq9: acpi0                           28          0
irq13: npx0                            1          0
irq18: bfe0 atapci1             57519357        710
cpu0: timer                    162084106       2000
Total                          219603492       2710

710 interrupts/second is just too much...

Machine runs customized kernel, with ACPI and APIC enabled, mainboard is
Intel, processor is Intel P4 Celeron. I will provide complete dmesg.boot,
``ps ax'' output and kernel config upon request.

.oO(And no, I can NOT put the DDB into kernel, nor do I have access to any
kind of console of that box :-))


Sincerely yours,
Juraj Lutter

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