Laptop choices

Parv parv at
Wed Nov 23 20:36:04 GMT 2005

in message <20051123185909.GA17696 at>, wrote Gary Kline
> I'm looking for a newer laptop (a newer, faster ThinkPad,
> probably).  There are ' some seriously cheap laptops "on-sale",
> but they would probably be a bad choice because they have those
> touch/scratch mouse-pad things that I can't use.  So:: does
> anybody know of a ThinkPad clone?  Or, can the touch pads be
> disabled in the bios?

Yes, yes the touch pad can be disabled in BIOS, at least on IBM
ThinkPad T41 (my sister dislikes touchpad) & T42 (i noticed the
option in BIOS to disable touchpad) .

I do not know of a ThinkPad clone; if/when you do, i would like to
hear about them too.

  - Parv


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