Laptop choices

Gary Kline kline at
Wed Nov 23 19:42:33 GMT 2005

On Wed, Nov 23, 2005 at 08:19:07PM +0100, Bartosz Fabianowski wrote:
> >Or, can the touch pads be disabled in the bios?
> I have a Dell Inspiron 8600C, which only has a touch pad. *But* its 
> immediate predecessor, the 8600, had a track pad and one of those little 
> pink joysticks (what are they called anyway?) and I know for a fact that 
> the keyboard and wrist rest in the 8600C can be swapped for the 8600 
> model, which is often available cheaply on eBay. So, you could get a 
> reasonably new 8600C (they were only replaced by the 6000 line a couple 
> of months ago) and add the stick you like for a couple bucks. But I 
> think that the touch pad will still be enabled - unless you cut a couple 
> of wires, which shouldn't matter much because in case of a warranty 
> return, you can swap back in the original keyboard and wrist rest, so 
> nobody at Dell will see the cut wires :).
> Of course, this is not a Thinkpad clone, but it is a very good laptop 
> nonetheless (especially the awesome 15.4" 1920x1200 screen).

	That is *outsanding* resolution!!!  I'm looking at some real
	good deals on ebay ...  think I'll check the Thinkpads.  See 
	if they've come down.  Like to find another one without XBill's



> - Bartosz

   Gary Kline     kline at     Public service Unix

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