Swapfile problem in 6?

Rob spamrefuse at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 23 02:12:43 GMT 2005

Rob wrote:
> --- Peter Jeremy <PeterJeremy at optushome.com.au>
>> Basically, wait until your system deadlocks.  BREAK
>> into DDB.
>> As a start, run 'show lockedvnods', 'ps'.  My guess
>> is that you'll see a lock that has a number of
>> which is probably the culprit.
>> Use 'panic' to get a crashdump and then you can use
>> kgdb to rummage around once you reboot
>> If in doubt, post the output from the above
>> here and someone will hopefully provide further
> The output is here:
>  http://surfion.snu.ac.kr/~lahaye/swapfile.txt

Has this kernel debug output been of any use?

Or was this analysis not helping much as to
why 6 has problems with swapfiles?

I can dig further into the problem, if I get
some more hints how to do so.


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