/create/symlink failed: no inodes free

David Kirchner dpk at dpk.net
Tue Nov 22 02:35:35 GMT 2005

On 11/21/05, MS-KILA <msKila at speakeasy.net> wrote:
> still present trying to install 6.0 on a 600Mhz celery, 384 ram, 8g hdd;
> ftp install.  will attempt the explicit ip idea.
> does every first attempt at ftp choke like this?
> wayne

If you ever make a mistake in sysinstall, you should restart the
process with a reboot. The installer doesn't handle errors well, often
by trying to install the entire OS onto the ramdisk instead of the
hard drive.

We've found that it tends to help, a little, to ping the IP of the
server you're installing before you hit "OK" on the IP configuration

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