Installing FreeBSD 6.0 on a Dell PE850 (Re: Dell PE850 and SC430 issue)

Ruben van Staveren ruben at
Mon Nov 21 08:41:06 GMT 2005


On 25 Sep 2005, at 11:59, lee sheng wrote:

> Then I decide to install pfsense, the project which is based on  
> FreeBSD 6
> Beta, everything goes smoothly and I can install, it is really  
> annoying as I
> wonder why it hangs on the sysinstall until I can't do anything. Is  
> there
> any solution or workaround on these, I guess there might be someone
> successfully installing freebsd on it.

Please see

"some assembly required, parts not included."

> Thanks.
> Regards,
> geek00L


= Ruben van Staveren --
= An Apple a day keeps the cluepon away

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