Centralized building

Eirik Øverby ltning at anduin.net
Sat Nov 19 10:43:48 GMT 2005

Hi all!

I've spent about a week trying to accomplish a rather simple task: To  
build kernel and world once for each architecture we have, and  
distribute this precompiled src and obj tree via NFS to all the  
systems that need updating. I have combined this with a locally  
maintained CVS tree, in order to assure coherent releases being  
installed on all our systems.

However, I am seeing some peculiar issues that I simply don't manage  
to get around.

I've got one server running 6.0-STABLE-i386. On this host I've  
created a jail for building. We have both i386 and amd64 platforms in- 
house, so I've created a script that build for both:
  make TARGET_ARCH=i386  MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/usr/obj.i386  buildworld
  make TARGET_ARCH=amd64 MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/usr/obj.amd64 buildworld
And the same for buildkernel.

Starting out trying to upgrade the amd64 hosts, I export the two obj  
directories via NFS, and mount them as /usr/obj on the amd64 hosts  
that need upgrading. This was, at least, my initial approach. I then  
found out that the /usr/src tree in the build jail is somehow tainted  
by the build (and by the options I specified), so I need to export  
that as well (which, I am afraid, means I have to maintain two  
different build jails). Therefore I also export /usr/src and mount it  
on the target hosts.

I then realized that I need to use the same objdir on the target  
hosts as in the build jail, so I try mounting to /usr/obj.<arch> on  
the target hosts. This allows me to get somewhat further.  
Installworld now progresses for a while, until it bombs out with the  
following error:
   ===> sys/boot/i386/boot2 (install)
   dd if=/dev/zero of=boot2.ldr bs=276 count=1
   dd: not found
   *** Error code 127

When looking for dd, I find it in the host PATH, and also in the obj  
   [root at build] /usr/obj.amd64# find . -name dd -type f

At this point, I get rid of the MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX option and rebuild  
everything with just TARGET_ARCH, only exporting /usr/obj from the  
build jail. I notice that when using TARGET_ARCH with something else  
than the architecture the build is running on (i.e. amd64 on an i386  
host), the resulting build is NOT to be found in /usr/obj, but in / 
usr/obj/amd64. Thus I need to specify MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/usr/obj/amd64  
on the target host for installworld to get anything done at all.

I'm still getting the dd: not found error, and I do believe I've  
tried every combination and variation I can think of. Clocks are in  
sync between all the systems, so that is not the problem. Is the  
build system partially broken in 6.0? Have I missed something? Do I  
actually need an amd64 host to be able to build for amd64 systems, or  
are there other ways to accomplish what I'm trying to do? Should I  
prehaps try doing centralized binary upgrades instead?

Any help would be appreciated.
With best regards,

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