RELENG_6 vm_fault panic on filesystem mount

Joerg Pernfuss elessar at
Fri Nov 18 18:21:12 GMT 2005

On Sat, 19 Nov 2005 01:58:46 +0800
Xin LI <delphij at> wrote:

> Hi, Joerg,
> If this is a production then my suggestion would be trying to remove
> something that you do not need for everyday use from the kernel
> configuration, and if it is not then my suggestion would be enabling
> INVARIANTS and makeoptions=-g to see if something strange happen, and
> possibly some backtraces would inspire us to catch the bug.
> Thanks,


interestingly it doesn't show up in the verbose dmesg, but curently
my kernel is configured with:

makeoptions     DEBUG=-g
options         ADAPTIVE_GIANT
options         MUTEX_DEBUG
options         WITNESS
options         GDB
options         SYSCTL_DEBUG
options         DEBUG_MEMGUARD
options         KTRACE
options         KTRACE_REQUEST_POOL=101
options         INVARIANTS
options         INVARIANT_SUPPORT
options         DIAGNOSTIC
options         KDB_STOP_NMI

I also do boot /boot/kernel/kernel.debug. As for the backtraces, I have
a few of them, but they are all identical to the one I sent in with my
first mail. 

I'll add KDB, KDB_TRACE and DDB and look if I get different output.


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