Adaptec SATA 1210SA+ Freebsd 6.0

Doug White dwhite at
Sun Nov 13 15:30:04 PST 2005

On Thu, 10 Nov 2005, Filip Wuytack wrote:

> Hi,
> I also tried to create the label via the command line (following the
> handbook).
> web2# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/ar0 count=2
> 2+0 records in
> 2+0 records out
> 1024 bytes transferred in 0.000757 secs (1352746 bytes/sec)
> web2# disklabel /dev/ar0 | disklabel -B -R -r ar0 /dev/stdin
> disklabel: /dev/ar0: no valid label found
> And the system freezes and shows 'ata2: DISCONNECT requested'

I'd take a first guess that the disk attached to ata2 is having issues.
Reseat and perhaps replace the cables. If that doesn't work then download
and run the manufacturer's diagnostic tool and see if you can get that to
error out.

Doug White                    |  FreeBSD: The Power to Serve
dwhite at          |

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