Install freeze while or immediately after finish copying the ports-collection

Timm Florian Gloger timm.gloger at
Sun Nov 13 13:44:46 PST 2005

Thanks for all your help.

After installing the bootloader correctly, 6.0 boots well and fast.
Also network is runnig now. Seems sysinstall did not bring it up after 
configuring, so i didi this manualy on the holo shell.

I noticed a mistake i made during the diagnostic of the freezes. They 
may not be just the result of the atapi devices.

After booting for a several times now i got 2 more freezes in not 
coherent periods of time after logging in.

i am able to access the fs through the other os so i checked the message 
and other logfiles, but i cannot find any panic or other bad logentries.

Any ideas/ suggestions?

(Will post this as a new thread)
Thanks a lot again


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