ahd0: Invalid Sequencer interrupt occurred.

Ade Lovett ade at FreeBSD.org
Fri Nov 11 22:57:35 PST 2005

On Nov 11, 2005, at 12:51 , Amit Rao wrote:
> 0) Upgrade to Seagate 10K.7 drive firmware level 0008. That seems  
> to help. One "ahd sequencer error" message still appears at boot,  
> but after that it seems to work (with your fingers crossed).

Of course, you then spend far too much time ensuring that any  
replacement drives are flashed appropriately (which, afaict,  
*requires* Windows to do), and also running the gauntlet of further  
problems down the road when you throw the drives into a new machine  
with a subtly different HBA bios.

No thanks, I'll stick with option (2).  A few more months, and  
Seagate drives will be a nice distant memory that I can look back on  
in a few years, and laugh nervously about.


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