Filesystems >1TB not possible on 6.0-R (anymore?).
David Kirchner
dpk at
Thu Nov 10 05:12:07 PST 2005
On 11/9/05, Barkley Vowk <bvowk at> wrote:
> I've got a 3TB (7 x 500GB w/ hot-spare) array on an areca board in amd64.
> Under 5.4-R I could have >1TB filesystems without an issue. I recall not
> having problems with 6.0-BETA5 too.
> However, 6.0-R gives me a tragic:
> /dev/da0s1d 723G 54G 611G 8% /home
> Certainly not what I was hoping for.
> I've tried both i386 and amd64 releases.
> Especially since that apparent limit is much smaller than 1TB.
Curious. Is there any remaining space for a second slice, as in da0s2?
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