5.x, 6.x and CPUTYPE

Stephen Hurd shurd at sasktel.net
Mon Nov 7 18:11:53 PST 2005

>> I always build my production servers with CPUTYPE=i686 so they can be
>> transplanted to any machine with a PPro or better processor (or even
>> qemu if necessary).
> Thanks, Craig. I'm glad to hear that I'm not alone in pursuing this 
> method.
> Do you know of any particular disadvantages of continuing with this
> less-than-optimised model - I guess I mean, is this something that is
> likely to break or become uneconomical at some point?

For packages, it's a good idea to make a build jail... in case of static 
linking goodness.
I had packages bite me when I was building them all on a system with a 
CPUTYPE=p3 world.

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