Tun and ALTQ

Brian Fundakowski Feldman green at freebsd.org
Mon Nov 7 17:36:48 PST 2005

On Tue, Nov 08, 2005 at 12:00:32AM +0100, Marko Cuk wrote:
> Resend...
> Please, does anyone have any ideas...
> What is the status of the tun0 driver and ALTQ ?
> I have FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE and have tried it without success. Why 6.0 ? 
> Don't know... curious maybe... if you think, that 5.4 will work better, 
> I'll reinstall it.
> The tun0 is because od xDSL ( PPPoE )
> It seems like packets won't match queue. Look at the pfctl output ( look 
> at the "bucy" rules -- he is a huge consumer and the primary uplink is 
> out for a week, xDSL is only backup and he consumes all the avail 
> bandwidth )
> THIS IFACE IS TUN0 ( pppoe )
> queue root_em0 bandwidth 1Gb priority 0 cbq( wrr root ) {std_ext, bucy_out}
> [ pkts:      76053  bytes:    7390221  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      
> 0 ]
> [ qlength:   0/ 50  borrows:      0  suspends:      0 ]
> [ measured:   199.0 packets/s, 146.71Kb/s ]

No it isn't, it's em0.  You probably want to be using ALTQ on tun0.
I've done it; it works....

Brian Fundakowski Feldman                           \'[ FreeBSD ]''''''''''\
  <> green at FreeBSD.org                               \  The Power to Serve! \
 Opinions expressed are my own.                       \,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\

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