Strange warning while upgrading

Michael C. Shultz ringworm01 at
Sun Nov 6 11:13:06 PST 2005

On Sunday 06 November 2005 11:01, Guillaume R. wrote:
> Hello
> Today I decided to upgrade my box from 5.4 to 6.O. So I change the right
> option in my stable-supfile and go through the process of upgrading.
> I can't build the world, and the error message was:
> "/usr/src/share/mk/", line 36: warning: NOGAMES is deprecated
> in favor of NO_GAMES.
> So I remove /usr/obj only and retry. This time it works fine but in my .out
> file (i used script in case it fails again) i could see those warnings a
> lot and not only during the buildworld the same happen with the kernel
> build and install and finally the installworld.
> Does anyone got an idea where it comes from?
> Thx

That is a warning message, not an error.  Look in /etc/make.conf you'll see
somewhere in there NOGAMES, if you change it to NO_GAMES the message will go 
away. Do the same for all the other warnings....

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