HP Proliant DL145 serial console

Dmitry Morozovsky marck at rinet.ru
Sat Nov 5 00:54:18 PST 2005


setting up HP Proliant DL145 I got strange results with the serial console:
it seems to work for initial kernel messages until getty is started, then 
displays first login prompt, and then stops producing output. It does accept 
input character though (I can blindly login and see ttyd0 processes).

the second question is to set BIOS output to the serial console (corresponding 
BIOS option is grayed).

Quick googling did not help. Any hints? Thanks in advance.

D.Marck                                     [DM5020, MCK-RIPE, DM3-RIPN]
*** Dmitry Morozovsky --- D.Marck --- Wild Woozle --- marck at rinet.ru ***

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