Facilitating binary kernel upgrades

Tom Grove freebsd at voidmain.net
Fri Nov 4 12:54:32 PST 2005

Richard Bejtlich wrote:

>Hello all,
>I have become a fan of Colin Percival's freebsd-update, which allows
>binary updates of the GENERIC kernel and unmodified userland.
>Binary kernel updates are not possible if I modify my kernel to
>include support for IPSec or NAT, e.g.
>device                crypto
>options         FAST_IPSEC
>options         IPFIREWALL
>options         IPDIVERT
>After speaking with Colin, he mentioned that IPSec, NAT, and disk
>quotas (enabled via options QUOTA) are the three most popular kernel
>changes that prevent people from running GENERIC and hence using
>freebsd-update for binary kernel updates.
>Can anyone shed light on why those three features are not available in GENERIC?
>Thank you,
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My guess is that just because those are the three most popular kernel 
changes that prevent people from running GENERIC doesn't mean that the 
majority of users implement these changes.


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