Alright you primitive screwheads, LISTEN UP!!

Marc Ramirez marc.ramirez at
Mon May 16 18:55:33 PDT 2005

Mr. Bill's upset!  Watch out for Sluggo, Mr. Bill!  Ohh, nooooooooooo!

On Monday 16 May 2005 04:39 pm, Bill Paul wrote:
> Ok everyone, PAY ATTENTION! Drop whatevery your doing for the next
> five minutes and READ THIS!!
> You see that header on this e-mail? You see the "From:" line? Go and
> read it to yourself. Read the name. Say it to yourself, out loud.
> No no, go back and do it again.
> Again!
> You see what is says? It says "Bill Paul." It does *********NOT*********
> say "Paul Bill," does it now. WELL DOES IT!!?!?!
> No, it damn well doesn't! And yet, for some incomprehensible reason.
> the majority of you nitwits seem to think it does!!!!!!
> Get this through your miserable little heads: my first name is BILL!!!
> Understand that? Bill! BEE EYE ELL ELL!!!
>               ____    _____   _        _        _   _
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> I can carve it into your skull with a rusty railroad spike if that
> would make it easier to remember!
> Do **************NOT*************** send me e-mails opening with
> "Dear Paul!" That is _NOT_ my name! I don't care if you don't speak
> english as a first language, are distracted, tired, confused, retarded
> or the President of the United States: if you can't manage to scrape
> together enough neurons to correctly choose which one of two lousy
> syllables to use when addressing me, then I would rather never hear
> from you at all!!!!!!
> I am not kidding around here! I've been beating my brains out for
> you rotten bastards for ten lousy years, and after all that time
> I expect you to at least do me the courtesty of GETTING MY STUPID
> This crap has been going on for years. It ends now. Anybody who's
> dumb enough to send me an e-mail addressed to "Paul" instead of "Bill"
> will be permanently banned from my inbox. I don't care if you're on
> fire and need me to put you out: you will become persona non grata
> and you will stay that way. Furthermore, anybody who screws up and
> gets my name wrong in person will quickly find themselves beaten,
> ground into a fine powder and sprinkled over Richard Stallman's
> oatmeal!!!
> And no, I don't want to hear your lousy comments on the matter!
> Don't follow up!! Don't reply!! Just nod quietly and DON'T MAKE THIS
> -Bill   <------------ SEE!!! LOOK!!! IT'S RIGHT THERE!!!!! IDIOTS!!!!!
> --
> ===========================================================================
>== -Bill Paul            (510) 749-2329 | Senior Engineer, Master of Unix-Fu
> wpaul at | Wind River Systems
> ===========================================================================
>== <adamw> you're just BEGGING to face the moose
> ===========================================================================
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Marc Ramirez
Blue Circle Software Corporation
513-688-1070 (main)
513-382-1270 (direct) (personal)
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