supermicro 6014H-82

Sergey Shyman shaman at
Tue Mar 29 01:23:43 PST 2005

Perhaps you should try to install 5.2.1-R, then cvsup to 5.4 (or 
anything else you want).

Eugene Mitrofanov wrote:
> Hi list
> I've got the subj and tried to install FreeBSD. 
> 5.3-R, 5.4-BETA1, 5.4-STABLE did not install at all. They timeouted on ATA 
> and hang while probing asr0, but 5.2.1-R installed fine. Any suggestion? I 
> would like to use 5.4-R. Does anybody use the subj with 5.3-R or later?
> Best Regards

Best regards,
Sergey Shyman

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