NDIS problems in 5.4-PREREALEASE
Linus Nordberg
linus at nordberg.se
Thu Mar 17 12:42:33 PST 2005
Nicolás de Bari Embriz García Rojas <nembriz at gmail.com> wrote
Wed, 16 Mar 2005 13:47:49 -0600:
| Hi all, I was using NDIS for a (ath0) wifi 3Com OfficeConnect
| Wireless 108Mbps 11g XJACK PC Card under 5.3-stable I upgraded my src
| and hove now 5.4-PRERELEASE but now the card is not working well, when
| I ping to my gateway I get very high response times and I start to
| loose conection. the card acts like if there where a very poor signal,
| any idea of what could it be wrong?
I see similar behaviour using a D-Link AirPlus DWL-520+ PCI. It broke
completely after the changes to dev/if_ndis and compat/ndis that was
done about two weeks ago.
The patches around the 7:th of March (dev/if_ndis/if_ndis.c:1.83,
compat/ndis/kern_ndis.c:1.70, compat/ndis/subr_ntoskrnl.c:1.57) made
it start limping a bit, seemingly retrieving packets (as far as I can
determine) but having trouble sending any larger packets. Sorry for
being vague here, I haven't been able to track it down better than
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