[Fwd: Re: Make install{world,kernel} borked??]

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at digiware.nl
Thu Mar 10 06:25:14 PST 2005

|Doug White wrote:
|> On Mar 8, 2005, at 5:05 AM, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
|>> With this mornings sources on RELENG_5:
|>> ============
|>> cd /usr/share/man;  set - `grep "^[a-zA-Z]" /home1/src/etc/man.alias`;
|>>  while [ $# -gt 0 ] ;  do  rm -rf "$1";  ln -s "$2" "$1";  shift;
|>> shift;  done
|>> cd /usr/share/openssl/man;  set - `grep "^[a-zA-Z]"
|>> /home1/src/etc/man.alias`;  while [ $# -gt 0 ] ;  do  rm -rf "$1";  ln
|>> -s "$2" "$1";  shift; shift;  done
|>> cd /usr/share/openssl/man/en.ISO8859-1; ln -sf ../man* .
|>> cd /usr/share/nls;  set - `grep "^[a-zA-Z]" /home1/src/etc/nls.alias`;
|>>  while [ $# -gt 0 ] ;  do  rm -rf "$1";  ln -s "$2" "$1";  shift;
|>> shift;  done
|>> shift: can't shift that many
|> This implies there are missing files on your system.  You should have a
|> src/etc/nls.alias that looks like
|> # $FreeBSD: src/etc/nls.alias,v 1.5 2003/06/10 01:22:30 ache Exp $
|> POSIX                   C
|> en_US.US-ASCII          C
|> If not then re-cvsup.
|It does exist.
|But I'm currently also having bigger problems:
|building world fails misserably because ar does not grok the output of 
|`lorder ${OBJS} | tsort -q`. And I get zero-size AR-files
| Killing this line into ${AR} ${OBJS} ${ADDAR} (in the bsd.lib.mk) gets me a
|lot further, but in the end there are also AR make targets in other makefiles
|and I get again empty *.a files.
|So I'm at the point of killing my whole src/obj tree and cvsup to start
| again. If that still crashes the lot, I'll be back.

Well I'm back 'cause it did not fix the problem.
I'm again able to buildworld/kernel but installing them still gives the same 

Running the grep gives:
[/home1/usr/src] root at opteron> grep "^[a-zA-Z]" /home1/usr/src/etc/nls.alias
POSIX                   C
en_US.US-ASCII          C

Which seems oke to me...
shift is buildin, even in /bin/sh

So whereelse do I look.


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