Need really cheap IDE mirroring PCI controlled for FreebBSD 4.10

David Magda dmagda at
Sat Mar 5 01:06:25 GMT 2005

On Mar 3, 2005, at 19:20, Emanuel Strobl wrote:

> If you consider upgrading to 5.4 you can use any onboard chipset or 
> cheap
> controller card with some geomclasses, namely g_mirror. It's fantastic 
> and
> the only stateful mirror solution I know. And you can mirror only 
> parts of
> your disk, or mirror across 3 drives aso. The power of geom :)

This can be done with 4.x. From atacontrol(8):

      create   Create a type ATA RAID.  The type can be RAID0 (stripe), 
               (mirror), RAID0+1 or SPAN (JBOD).  In case the RAID has a 
               component, the interleave must be specified in number of 
               tors.  The RAID will be created of the individual disks 
               disk0 ... diskN.

               Although the ATA driver allows for creating an ATA RAID 
on disks
               with any controller, there are restrictions.  It is only 
               ble to boot on an array if it is either located on a 
               ATA RAID controller like the Promise or Highpoint 
               or if the RAID declared is of RAID1 or SPAN type; in case 
of a
               SPAN, the partition to boot must reside on the first disk 
in the

Vinum(8) is also available on 4.x.

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