I can not surf on Flash powered sites.

Eric Schuele e.schuele at computer.org
Thu Mar 3 04:22:21 GMT 2005

Brian Behlendorf wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Daniel Eischen wrote:
>> On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Brian Behlendorf wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Ruben van Staveren wrote:
>>>> Are you using Xorg6.8.1 and have enabled the Composite extension ?
>>>> (as in
>>>> Section "Extensions"
>>>>        Option "Composite" "Enable"
>>>> EndSection
>>>> )
>>>> Then add this line to /usr/X11R6/bin/firefox, just beneath the #! 
>>>> /bin/sh
>>> Didn't make a difference with native builds of www/firefox v 1.0.1 and
>>> www/flashplugin-firefox 0.4.12.
>> Why don't you run firefox with -g and get a dump and backtrace
>> out of it?
> Because, as I said earlier this thread:
>   I do try it every couple of weeks to see if it works, but the best it
>   gets is two-three web sites and then the seg fault. I realize until I
>   sit down with a stack trace I haven't earned the right to complain, so I
>   haven't yet, figuring it'll be important enough someday to someone
>   clueful enough.  Or, Macromedia will some day lighten up and let Mozilla
>   include it as part of the web browser by default.  Or something.
> ...and that I've got nowhere near the chops to do anything useful with a 
> stack trace that I'm sure others do.  I thought I'd pipe up in response 
> to Ruben's message to provide a data point.  Am I the only one for whom 
> Firefox and www/flashplugin-firefox doesn't work?

Fails for me too.  On all flash sites near as I can tell.


>     Brian
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