building KLDs in RELENG_4

M. Warner Losh imp at
Wed Mar 2 16:18:12 GMT 2005

In message: <20050224161305.GG261 at>
            "Peter C. Lai" <sirmoo at> writes:
: On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 09:59:01AM -0600, Scot Hetzel wrote:
: > On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 09:56:22 -0500, Peter C. Lai <sirmoo at> wrote:
: > > Is there a way to build kernel modules by themselves without having to
: > > build the entire kernel? I am adding umass support to a 4.x machine but
: > > I don't want to build the entire kernel. I already have scbus, but I need
: > > da and of course, umass.
: > > 
: >  
: > Yes you can build modules seperately from a kernel build
: > 
: > cd /usr/src/sys/modules/umass
: > make obj
: > make
: > make install
: > 
: > Scot
: ok. what about da? i don't have that in my kernel, even though i have scbus.
: I think i'm just going to recompile the entire kernel anyway; I was just
: trying to not have to back-cvs /usr/src to patch the current one I have
: installed. (the more basic problem is i really should be keeping multiple
: versions of /usr/src around for different versions on different machines,
: but that is a separate problem).

modules/cam is what you want.  Hmmm, looks like you have part of it in
your kernel already, so you'll not be able to do what you want.


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