Q: RT32 (Request Tracker) + jail

Eirik Øverby ltning at anduin.net
Wed Jul 20 07:06:22 GMT 2005

On Jul 20, 2005, at 2:22 AM, J. Nyhuis wrote:

>     Greetings,
>     I would like to have RT running in a jailed environment.  The  
> challenge, it seems, will be to get sendmail running in the same  
> jailed environment as RT and the other components.
>     For those not so familiar with the components of RT, the jail  
> would include apache1.3+modperl, MySQL, sendmail, and RT.  That's a  
> lot of stuff to get working in there!  (but fortunately FreeBSD  
> jails seem straightforward and easy) ^_^
>     I expect sendmail to be the real problem of the above bunch.
>     Has anyone actually tried to do this with a big multi-part app  
> like RT (I have not spotted anyone's documented attempts on Google)  
> and would be willing to share to the list?

If I were you I would grab /usr/ports/sysutils/jailctl (ok, insert  
blatant self-praise here ;), create yourself one or more jails, and  
log into them as if they were normal fbsd installs. Everything you  
mention should work perfectly fine; I'm running anything between 5  
and 50 jails of similiar types (with web, mail, database, cvs,  
subversion, you name it running in them, in various combinations) on  
both private and work-owned hosts, some of them performing extremely  
critical tasks (think CC payment handling for millions of users).

Wouldn't worry about sendmail ;)

>     Does anyone else wonder if I've lost it? (Don't answer that)...

<defiance>Not at all.</defiance>


> ^_^
>     Thanks,
> John H. Nyhuis
> Sr. Computer Specialist
> Dept. of Pediatrics
> HS RR349B, Box 356320
> University of Washington
> Desk: (206)-685-3884
> cabal at u.washington.edu
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