ndis no longer detects netgear wg311v2

Evan Dower evantd at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 1 23:41:06 GMT 2005

I am reminded of Fri, Jul 01, 2005 at 03:53:59PM +0200 when pcasidy at casidy.com said:
> On  1 Jul, Phil Bowens wrote:
> > FWIW, I am having the *exact* same problem starting today.  I hadn't
> > updated my STABLE machine since April. NDIS was working fine (save a
> > frew crashes) before I updated last night.. and now NDIS will not even
> > talk about the card. There is also a slight freeze on the machine
> > after the if_ndis module is loaded.
> > 
> > I will do some more investigating, but now there's at least two of us.
> > Did you ever find a fix?
> > 
> I had a similar problem with a recent system update two days ago.
> I noticed that the if_ndis.ko was half smaller and there was not any
> reference to my NIC anymore.
> After a few search I noticed that ndisgen is a tool able to generate a
> specific loadable module based on .inf and .sys.
> So I used ndisgen, copied the generated ko to /boot/kernel and manually
> kldload it : my NIC was back.
> Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a good resource about the
> correct procedure to generate the module but I have a bigger problem
> than this one at the moment :(
> Hope that helps.
> Phil.

Okay, so if you take a look at cvsweb, you'll find some information in
a commit message somewhere. I'm not going to make you look for it,
don't worry. The procedure for creating the kernel module has
changed. For some reason this never made it to updating, and appears
to only be documented in the commit message. The commit message
references ndisgen(8). It could have been some other number, but it
doesn't matter because the man page doesn't exist anywhere
anyway. Luckily, ndisgen is basically self-documenting. You just run
it, maybe choose to read the explanation text, and choose the option
to create the kernel module. It will prompt you for your sys and inf
files, along with any firmware files you might need. You should be
warned though, that you'll want to have the paths to your files
available because there's no file browser functionality and if you
suspend ndisgen while you look up the path, ^L won't redraw the
screen. It would be handy to have a non-interactive version again, but
oh well.

Evan Dower
Software Development Engineer
Amazon.com, Inc.
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