fwe and em ftp transfer rates
Emanuel Strobl
emanuel.strobl at gmx.net
Thu Jan 20 10:33:07 PST 2005
Dear all,
I'm sorry but I have to report something's going wrong with simple ftp file
transfers. I have two Fujitsu Siemens Primergy B125 servers (PIII at 866MHz,
512MB) with both 'em' cards in it which are connected directly together, so
no switch can drop packets. When I transfer a large testfile (400MB) via ftp
I get unbelievable 18MB/s. Both servers are 0% idle (~60% intr 40% sys).
What the heck is this machine doing? There's nothing else on the machines
running, sure!
I can dump to the disks with ~55MB/s so the bottleneck is not the hardware.
Things go worse if I use fwe (TI chipest) or fwip instead of em. Then transfer
rates decrease to 15MB/s for the fwe and 13MB/s with the fwip.
One good thin is that using NFS instead of ftp gives comparable transfer rates
(~5% less) without tuning and regardless of udp or tcp.
world an kernel are built with -O2 -march=pentium3, kernel config and dmesg
are attached (CUV-LV ist the kernel config).
What can I do to get reasonable GbE performance (with this hw I expect at
least 40MB/s, it's what a friend achieves with an other graphical OS on
similar hw).
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Copyright (c) 1992-2005 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD 5.3-STABLE #0: Thu Jan 20 02:12:36 CET 2005
root at test1.flintsbach.schmalzbauer.de:/builder/obj/builder/src/sys/CUV-LV
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Intel Pentium III (870.58-MHz 686-class CPU)
Origin = "GenuineIntel" Id = 0x686 Stepping = 6
real memory = 536854528 (511 MB)
avail memory = 515629056 (491 MB)
acpi0: <ASUS CUV_LV> on motherboard
acpi0: Power Button (fixed)
Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0xe408-0xe40b on acpi0
cpu0: <ACPI CPU (3 Cx states)> on acpi0
acpi_button0: <Power Button> on acpi0
pcib0: <ACPI Host-PCI bridge> port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib0
agp0: <VIA 82C691 (Apollo Pro) host to PCI bridge> mem 0xfe000000-0xfe3fffff at device 0.0 on pci0
pcib1: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib1
pci1: <display, VGA> at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
isab0: <PCI-ISA bridge> at device 4.0 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
atapci0: <VIA 82C686A UDMA66 controller> port 0xb800-0xb80f,0x376,0x170-0x177,0x3f6,0x1f0-0x1f7 at device 4.1 on pci0
ata0: channel #0 on atapci0
ata1: channel #1 on atapci0
uhci0: <VIA 83C572 USB controller> port 0xb400-0xb41f irq 12 at device 4.2 on pci0
usb0: <VIA 83C572 USB controller> on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: VIA UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci1: <VIA 83C572 USB controller> port 0xb000-0xb01f irq 12 at device 4.3 on pci0
usb1: <VIA 83C572 USB controller> on uhci1
usb1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1: VIA UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
viapropm0: SMBus I/O base at 0xe800
viapropm0: <VIA VT82C686A Power Management Unit> port 0xe800-0xe80f at device 4.4 on pci0
viapropm0: SMBus revision code 0x0
smbus0: <System Management Bus> on viapropm0
smb0: <SMBus generic I/O> on smbus0
fxp0: <Intel 82559 Pro/100 Ethernet> port 0xa800-0xa83f mem 0xfa800000-0xfa8fffff,0xfb000000-0xfb000fff irq 5 at device 7.0 on pci0
miibus0: <MII bus> on fxp0
inphy0: <i82555 10/100 media interface> on miibus0
inphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
fxp0: Ethernet address: 00:e0:18:06:ad:59
em0: <Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection, Version - 1.7.35> port 0xa400-0xa43f mem 0xf9800000-0xf981ffff,0xfa000000-0xfa01ffff irq 10 at device 9.0 on pci0
em0: Ethernet address: 00:0e:0c:34:2b:f8
em0: Speed:N/A Duplex:N/A
fwohci0: <Texas Instruments TSB43AB23> mem 0xf8800000-0xf8803fff,0xf9000000-0xf90007ff irq 12 at device 10.0 on pci0
fwohci0: OHCI version 1.10 (ROM=1)
fwohci0: No. of Isochronous channels is 4.
fwohci0: EUI64 00:01:08:00:20:01:eb:10
fwohci0: Phy 1394a available S400, 3 ports.
fwohci0: Link S400, max_rec 2048 bytes.
firewire0: <IEEE1394(FireWire) bus> on fwohci0
fwe0: <Ethernet over FireWire> on firewire0
if_fwe0: Fake Ethernet address: 02:01:08:01:eb:10
fwe0: Ethernet address: 02:01:08:01:eb:10
fwe0: if_start running deferred for Giant
sbp0: <SBP-2/SCSI over FireWire> on firewire0
fwohci0: Initiate bus reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc800ffc0, gen=1, CYCLEMASTER mode
firewire0: 1 nodes, maxhop <= 0, cable IRM = 0 (me)
firewire0: bus manager 0 (me)
atapci1: <HighPoint HPT372 UDMA133 controller> port 0x8800-0x88ff,0x9000-0x9003,0x9400-0x9407,0x9800-0x9803,0xa000-0xa007 irq 11 at device 12.0 on pci0
ata2: channel #0 on atapci1
ata3: channel #1 on atapci1
sio0: <16550A-compatible COM port> port 0x3f8-0x3ff irq 4 flags 0x10 on acpi0
sio0: type 16550A
sio1: <16550A-compatible COM port> port 0x2f8-0x2ff irq 3 on acpi0
sio1: type 16550A
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> port 0x64,0x60 irq 1 on acpi0
atkbd0: <AT Keyboard> irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
npx0: [FAST]
npx0: <math processor> on motherboard
npx0: INT 16 interface
orm0: <ISA Option ROMs> at iomem 0xcc000-0xccfff,0xc0000-0xca7ff on isa0
sc0: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <8 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
Timecounter "TSC" frequency 870581132 Hz quality 800
Timecounters tick every 1.953 msec
acpi_cpu: throttling enabled, 16 steps (100% to 6.2%), currently 100.0%
ad0: 76351MB <SAMSUNG SP0802N/TK200-04> [155127/16/63] at ata0-master PIO4
ad2: 245MB <SanDisk SDCFH-256/HDX 2.15> [980/16/32] at ata1-master PIO4
ad4: 57259MB <MAXTOR 6L060J3/A93.0500> [116336/16/63] at ata2-master PIO4
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad2a
em0: Link is up 1000 Mbps Full Duplex
-------------- next part --------------
machine i386
cpu I686_CPU
options PQ_CACHESIZE=256 # color for 512k cache
ident CUV-LV
options SCHED_4BSD # 4BSD scheduler
options INET # InterNETworking
options INET6 # IPv6 communications protocols
options FFS # Berkeley Fast Filesystem
options NULLFS #NULL filesystem
options SOFTUPDATES # Enable FFS soft updates support
options UFS_ACL # Support for access control lists
options UFS_DIRHASH # Improve performance on big directories
#options QUOTA #enable disk quotas
#options SUIDDIR
options NFSCLIENT # Network Filesystem Client
options NFSSERVER # Network Filesystem Server
options CD9660 # ISO 9660 Filesystem
#options PROCFS # Process filesystem (requires PSEUDOFS)
#options PSEUDOFS # Pseudo-filesystem framework
options GEOM_BDE
options GEOM_GPT # GPT partitioning
options GEOM_BSD # BSD disklabels
options GEOM_GATE # Userland services.
options GEOM_MIRROR # Disk mirroring.
options GEOM_STRIPE # Disk striping.
options GEOM_CONCAT # Disk concatenation.
options GEOM_LABEL # Providers labelization.
options GEOM_FOX # Redundant path mitigation
options COMPAT_43 # Compatible with BSD 4.3 [KEEP THIS!]
options KBD_INSTALL_CDEV # install a CDEV entry in /dev
options ADAPTIVE_GIANT # Giant mutex is adaptive.
options HZ=256
device agp # support several AGP chipsets
device npx
device apic # I/O APIC
device isa
device pci
device acpi
# ATA and ATAPI devices
device ata
device atadisk # ATA disk drives
device atapicd # ATAPI CDROM drives
options ATA_STATIC_ID # Static device numbering
# SCSI peripherals
device scbus # SCSI bus (required for SCSI)
device da # Direct Access (disks)
device sa # Sequential Access (tape etc)
device cd # CD
device pass # Passthrough device (direct SCSI access)
# atkbdc0 controls both the keyboard and the PS/2 mouse
device atkbdc # AT keyboard controller
device atkbd # AT keyboard
makeoptions ATKBD_DFLT_KEYMAP=german.iso
device psm # PS/2 mouse
device vga # VGA video card driver
options VESA
device splash # Splash screen and screen saver support
device sc
options MAXCONS=8
options SC_HISTORY_SIZE=1000
options SC_DFLT_FONT
makeoptions SC_DFLT_FONT=iso15
# Serial (COM) ports
device sio # 8250, 16[45]50 based serial ports
# PCI Ethernet NICs.
device em # Intel PRO/1000 adapter Gigabit Ethernet Card
# PCI Ethernet NICs that use the common MII bus controller code.
# NOTE: Be sure to keep the 'device miibus' line in order to use these NICs!
device miibus # MII bus support
device fxp # Intel EtherExpress PRO/100B (82557, 82558)
# Pseudo devices.
device loop # Network loopback
device mem # Memory and kernel memory devices
device io # I/O device
device random # Entropy device
device ether # Ethernet support
device pty # Pseudo-ttys (telnet etc)
device md # Memory "disks"
device gif # IPv6 and IPv4 tunneling
device faith # IPv6-to-IPv4 relaying (translation)
device bpf # Berkeley packet filter
# USB support
device uhci # UHCI PCI->USB interface
device usb # USB Bus (required)
device ugen # Generic
device uhid # "Human Interface Devices"
device ukbd # Keyboard
device ulpt # Printer
device umass # Disks/Mass storage - Requires scbus and da
device ums # Mouse
device uplcom
device ucom
# FireWire support
device firewire # FireWire bus code
device sbp # SCSI over FireWire (Requires scbus and da)
device fwe # Ethernet over FireWire (non-standard!)
#device fwip # IP over FireWire (rfc2734 and rfc3146)
device iicbus
device iicbb
device smbus # Bus support, required for smb below.
device viapm
device smb
device iicsmb
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