downgrading ports

Richard Coleman rcoleman at
Tue Jan 4 12:42:48 PST 2005

Richard Coleman wrote:
> Tejas Kokje wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just upgraded to perl 5.6 using perl5 port. However some of
>> my scripts are not working due to compatibility problems. How do
>> I revert back to the system (base) version of perl that comes
>> with 4.10.
>> Tejas Kokje
> 1. Deinstall the perl 5.6 port
> 2. Type the command "use.perl system"
> Richard Coleman
> rcoleman at

Oops.  My mistake.  Reverse the order of these steps, since deinstalling 
the perl port will deinstall the use.perl command.

Richard Coleman
rcoleman at

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