buildworld fails on: ===> bin/domainname

bsdnooby bsdnooby at
Tue Feb 22 03:05:15 GMT 2005

Doug White wrote:

>On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, bsdnooby wrote:
>>Yes it does.
>>When I run "cvsup -g -L 2 stable-supfile" I see a bunch of errors with
>>"Head" in them. here is one of them:
>>  Server warning: RCS file error in
>>"/cvs/cvsupd/prefixes/FreeBSD.cvs/src/bin/sh/var.h,v": 1: "head" expected
>>Then when I run "make buildworld", that fails
>What cvsup server are you using? It appears to be corrupted.
I was using cvsup10, 11, 12, and 13 - I think.  I did a reinstall, but 
instead if using my ATA drive, I installed on my SATA array - and it 
worked.  So I was thinking there was a problem with my ATA drive, but 
now it looks like the problem was in fact with the cvsup server(s). 

I hadn't planned to use my array (2x160GB) as my boot drive, but it sure 
is fast since it is striped (to 320GB).  Now I have to decide if I want 
to reinstall on to my single 160GB ATA drive, and to use the raid array 
as a pure data mount (in maybe /mnt/data).

Thx for all the feedback, it looks like the servers have been fixed!

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